Saturday, January 9, 2010

Quick Pic: Our stars

In chapel last week, we heard the story of the long travels of the Magi who followed a star. This special star in the sky showed that God had done a new and remarkable thing. Here are all of our stars showing the kings where they could find Jesus.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"My child, in whom I am well pleased"

This week in many of our Church School classes, we are learning about the story of Jesus' baptism. Jesus comes to be baptized in the River Jordan, and as he emerges the Spirit of God descends like a dove to say "This is my son, whom I love. With him I am well pleased."

No matter what our age, we all need to hear of God's love and acceptance. This week as we talk about baptism, we will tell about how each of us is welcomed by God with love and delight. Although we are only baptized once, we each need to be reminded again and again of God's abiding love. 

Children's Bible in 365 Stories: #250

For Family Discussion:
As many of the children in our church are baptized as infants, they do not remember their baptism. As we learn about Jesus' baptism, tell the story of your child's baptism. Who was there? How big were they? What was it like for you when they were baptized? What were your hopes for them?