Tuesday, November 16, 2010


You may have noticed this blog has been quiet. To help reach out better to the community, our "Growing on Faith" blog has moved to weekly e-newsletters.

For the latest news and an archive of our past e-newsletters see our Email Archive

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Quick Pic: Our stars

In chapel last week, we heard the story of the long travels of the Magi who followed a star. This special star in the sky showed that God had done a new and remarkable thing. Here are all of our stars showing the kings where they could find Jesus.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"My child, in whom I am well pleased"

This week in many of our Church School classes, we are learning about the story of Jesus' baptism. Jesus comes to be baptized in the River Jordan, and as he emerges the Spirit of God descends like a dove to say "This is my son, whom I love. With him I am well pleased."

No matter what our age, we all need to hear of God's love and acceptance. This week as we talk about baptism, we will tell about how each of us is welcomed by God with love and delight. Although we are only baptized once, we each need to be reminded again and again of God's abiding love. 

Children's Bible in 365 Stories: #250

For Family Discussion:
As many of the children in our church are baptized as infants, they do not remember their baptism. As we learn about Jesus' baptism, tell the story of your child's baptism. Who was there? How big were they? What was it like for you when they were baptized? What were your hopes for them?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Church School: Laughter 10/4/09

This week in Church School we are exploring the story of Abraham and Sarah. God has promised to Abraham and Sarah that they will have descendants that number more than the stars, even though they currently have no children. God promises that Sarah will have a child, and she laughs at the very idea because she is so old. Yet God keeps promises. Many months later when Abraham and Sarah's child is born, Sarah names him Isaac, which in Hebrew means laughter. 

What I love about working with Bible stories with children is that because at different ages children are at different stages, we get to look at the same Bible story in many ways. We as adults might look at the story of Abraham and Sarah and consider how God is able to make impossible things possible. How many things might we think are impossible for us, so much so we might laugh? In this story we see a glimpse of might God can turn our cynical laughter into laughter of joy. 

For many younger children however, it might not seem so strange that an older woman would give birth to a child. Very young children are still learning about patterns, so everything can seem possible to them! In the younger classes this week, we will be thinking about how God gives us surprises and God gives us laughter. We will be talking about what it means to be patient and how good God's surprises can be!

For older children this week, we will be looking at how we know ourselves to be descendants of Abraham and Sarah. All of us are the stars of descendants that Abraham and Sarah had difficulty imagining.  

It will be a fun week with many surprises, many gifts, and much laughter.

Discussion Questions for Families
(Young Children) Abraham and Sarah are promised that they would be parents of a great nation, more than all the stars in the sky! Have you looked at the stars at night? 

God gave Abraham and Sarah a gift as a surprise. What does it feel like to receive a surprise? To give a surprise?

Is there something in your life that once seemed impossible, that God helped happen?

This Week:
3's and Under: Lambs!
Pre-K-4th grade: Abraham and Sarah Children's Bible #14 "God's Promise" and #16 "Special Visitors" 

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Noah's Promise 9/27/09

This week in Church School the elementary aged kids are learning about Noah's Ark. It is a great week for crafts because we have so many options: Rainbows! Animals! Funny Shaped Boats!

It is a bit surprising that the story of Noah has become such a "kids story." The very idea of God flooding the entire world can be very frightening. Yet in this story we can find hope from two acts of faith and courage. We see the hope of Noah, who completed a huge and seemingly impossible task, fueled by his faith in God. We see hope in the promise of the rainbow, that God would never again flood the world. We see hope in the promise of a new beginning, that each generation has the chance for a new beginning with God. 

Discussion questions for families:
(Younger Children) Part of the task God gave to Noah was to care for the animals, that they would be safe. Do we have animals we care for?

God asked Noah to do something that seemed very foolish to the neighbors. What are times when doing the right thing can seem foolish to others?

God made a promise to Noah and us all, and made a sign with a rainbow. Sometimes when we make promises, we have signs as well with a handshake or signing our name. What promises do we make to each other as a family?

This Sunday in Church School
3's and Under through Grade 4: Noah and the Rainbow
5-6th Grade: 10 Commandments
7-8th: Nooma Video Discussion

(Photo by Eric Rolph )

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Welcome Home Sunday: Sept 13

Come join us this Sunday for the joyful kick-off of our new year together.

In service we:
Gather together after our Summer Adventures
Have a 15 minute "mini-Church School" to allow children of the church to find their new classrooms, meet their new teachers, and get a taste of the new year ahead.
Hear reflections from PF of their experiences in the last year mission trip.

Following worship join us for a Potluck Picnic!
Join us for hotdogs and bring a side to share as we fellowship together!

And Charlie Churchmouse might be there. I can't say for certain, but I've heard some squeaking...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Middle School Youth Group in the Guilford Courier

The front page of the Guilford Courier this week features a photo of the Middle School Youth Group making snow-people (and some snow-critters) from the last big snowfall. See the post here or check out the paper!

The Middle School Youth Group of First Congregational Church meets weekly for fun, faith, community, learning, and service. Now, the group is also famous ;-).